by Guest Author | Feb 13, 2025 | CAI, Community Associations
In the past decade, the advancement of digital tools, smart devices, and enhanced connectivity has strongly altered community associations. From template-driven management to enhanced experiences, tech transformations have revolutionized community associations and will continue to shape the industry’s path.
by Joni Lucas | Feb 7, 2025 | CAI, Community Associations
Community association boards should act now to protect their communities from cybersecurity threats, and can use simple and inexpensive methods to protect sensitive data against cyber crime and breaches, according to an insurance expert. To protect themselves in case of an attack or breach, community associations also should research and invest in cyber crime insurance policies.
by Guest Author | Apr 4, 2024 | CAI, Community Associations
Artificial intelligence remains an elusive concept to many, including those in community associations. The technology poses many perceived benefits and risks, but undoubtedly will have a long-term, powerful impact. Demystifying those benefits and risks, and establishing an AI policy, can help prepare your community for the future.
by Hazel Siff | Jun 16, 2022 | Advocacy, CAI, Community Associations, Education
While large-scale cyberstrikes are most talked about, community associations should not consider themselves invulnerable. Each community should understand their risks, evaluate cybersecurity protection, and decide whether specialized insurance is worth the cost.
by James Dodson IV | Feb 5, 2021 | CAI, Community Associations
Technology has been a driving factor of change in recent years, but the COVID-19 pandemic kicked that change into overdrive. Leveraging certain software and operating systems can help us improve the quality of service to community associations.