by Guest Author | Aug 5, 2024 | CAI, Community Associations
Emotional intelligence is a professional and personal skillset using the self and social awareness of emotions and understanding their impact on those around us. It’s the ability to manage the negative emotions of ourselves and others while motivating positive and effective emotions needed for performance.
by Daniel Brannigan | Sep 20, 2023 | CAI, Community Associations
Over the past 50 years, CAI and its members have grappled with exciting, frustrating, and sometimes grueling issues. What challenges and opportunities await CAI over the next few years? We asked leaders in the industry to share their perspective.
by Guest Author | Apr 7, 2023 | Community Associations
Community associations are designed to maintain common areas, preserve and protect property values, provide services for members, and develop a sense of community. Mental health issues could affect each of those responsibilities. Board members and community managers need to have a plan in place.
by Guest Author | Oct 12, 2022 | CAI, Community Associations, Education, Events
Mental health issues impact community associations in many ways including deed restriction enforcement, Fair Housing Act violations, and potential liability for negligence. At a time of continuing economic and social unease, how should community association board members and managers resolved community conflict that involves mental illnesses?