by Joni Lucas | Oct 26, 2023 | CAI, Community Associations
If you talk to community association managers these days, they seem to agree on a few key things about the state of the profession. Business and career prospects are booming. Job candidates are not. The future of the industry depends on hiring young professionals—soon.
by Hazel Siff | Oct 12, 2023 | Advocacy, Community Associations
California’s “balcony bill,” SB 721, requires balcony inspections within all multifamily residential buildings containing three or more dwelling units no later than Jan. 1, 2025. David Swedelson, founding senior partner at Swedelson Gottlieb firm, provides details to help communities prepare for and transition to these new requirements.
by Joni Lucas | Oct 5, 2023 | CAI, Community Associations, Events
Community association management companies need to address things like mentorship, burnout, and conflict resolution to be great leaders. David Graf, president of CAI’s College of Community Association Lawyers, was among the presenters who taught CEO-MC Retreat attendees how to build those skills.