Shining a light: Diversifying your community’s holiday decor

Shining a light: Diversifying your community’s holiday decor

For people across the world, winter holidays symbolize the turning of seasons, and with it, the bringing together of communities. For those living and working in community associations, the holiday season can present an opportunity to strengthen community ties. Small changes to your holiday newsletters and community decor can make a big difference to your residents.

Let it snow: Texas community creates winter wonderland

Let it snow: Texas community creates winter wonderland

While nestled in the heart of Spring, Texas, where snowfall is a rare sight, the Windrose Community Association has found a creative way to bring the joy of winter to its residents. Each year, usually during the holiday season, Windrose transforms a designated area into a Texas winter wonderland by creating a snowy hill that children can enjoy. This heartwarming tradition not only brings joy to the children, but also strengthens the sense of community within Windrose.

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