by Guest Author | May 28, 2024 | CAI, Community Associations
Stress and mental health issues in the workplace are a pandemic that is far larger than COVID-19 or any other disease currently or recently dealt with in the world. Stigma about mental health still exists, but progress is being made, and there are strategies that can be taken to mitigate it.
by Guest Author | Feb 13, 2024 | CAMICB, Community Associations
The job of the community association manager is part financial management, urban planning, facilities maintenance, community development, volunteer management, and project management. Good managers also learn to master seven soft skills and knowledge.
by Joni Lucas | Oct 5, 2023 | CAI, Community Associations, Events
Community association management companies need to address things like mentorship, burnout, and conflict resolution to be great leaders. David Graf, president of CAI’s College of Community Association Lawyers, was among the presenters who taught CEO-MC Retreat attendees how to build those skills.
by Hazel Siff | Sep 26, 2023 | CAI, Community Associations
As rewarding as community association management can be, the career path also faces high rates of burnout, depression, and mental health issues. How can managers learn to handle both the workload and mental health? Start by creating a completely different level of awareness.
by Daniel Brannigan | Sep 20, 2023 | CAI, Community Associations
Over the past 50 years, CAI and its members have grappled with exciting, frustrating, and sometimes grueling issues. What challenges and opportunities await CAI over the next few years? We asked leaders in the industry to share their perspective.